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Friday, March 1, 2024

Ayahanda, Bonda dan Kanda Mohamed Hilmi


                      Ayahanda Jamaludin bin Alang Mat Jali bersama Kanda 

                          Mohamed Helmi

                    Bonda Teriah binti Uda Mamat dalam perjalanan ke rumah anaknya



1. Segera memohon keampunan kepada Allah SWT.

2. Orang yang sentiasa menginfakkan hartanya dalam keadaan senang

    dan susah.

3. Orang yang mampu menahan kemarahan. Kemuncak kemarahan

    boleh mengakibatkan sesuatu yang


4.  Sentiasa memaafkan.

5. Sering berbuat kebaikan. Hablum minallah dan Hablum minannas,



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Natural Prostate Health – Black Pepper & the Prostate

Natural Prostate Health – Black Pepper & the Prostate: Who Knew? The black pepper that spices up our food, and makes it taste better, can also help fight cancer in our bodies. Researchers at the University of Michigan, and other institutions, have found that black pepper has health benefits in addition to its use as a spice. Benefits of Black Pepper Black pepper can […]

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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Israel Against the International ConventionGoogle+

Berita Harian : Israel Against the International Convention

The UN, NGO had been criticised  for failing to stop the violence against Palestinians

One of the leading scholars of Europe, Stephen Hopgood, wrote in his latest book, The Endtimes of Human Rights (2013) about the failure of the universal human rights system to protect the rights of the oppressed countries.
View Hopgood, organizations of the United Nations (UN) and non-governmental organization (NGO) human rights, such as an imperialism which in the mean of moralism, at one time first began as a good thing, but now only into a single industry. Larger NGOS that, yet the possibility of its closely related with capital, it exists to raise money rather than raise money to exist.

This is not the first time that Israel violated the rules of the Convention as well as universal human rights. When it's their turn Israel reviewed its human rights record at the session of the universal periodic Review (UPR) Geneva in early 2013, Israel deliberately withdrew from the session up to receive sanctions of various countries.
The failure of UN and NGO Human Rights Watch described Hopgood exposed more clearly when the world witnessed the brutality of Israel against its own civil society Palestine, without any harsh condemnation and effective action to stop the Zionist regime's military attacks.

Until this article is written, not less 1,518 Palestinian children killed since 2000 or the average of one every three days. Israel continues to attack residents of Palestinian public and intentionally cause hundreds of deaths and injury to thousands of innocent people. Many more people have begun to leave their homes to escape to the border of Egypt in order to save lives.

Violated six articles of the UN Convention

Israel has already violated UN International Convention, particularly involving children. A delegation of senior lawyers from Europe visiting Israel and the West Bank as well as analyze the effect of the judicial system of Israel against Palestinian children. Results of the analysis to find real evidence that Israel violated no less than six articles of the UN Convention on the rights of the child (UNCRC).
The latest report entitled "Children in Military Custody ' expressed violations of Israel against Article 2 (discrimination), article 3 (best interest of the child), 37 (b) (remand way premature) 37 (c) (prohibition of separation of children from adults), 37 (d) (access to the lawyer) and 40 (the use of fetters of iron as a leash). Israel has already signed the UNCRC and in 2004 International Court of Justice (ICJ) decided that the Convention applies to the rights of the child in the West Bank.

The report also said Israel in violation of Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention (4th Geneva Convention), on the prohibition to transfer detainees to countries that hold them. Article 65 also require the Penal Code law translated into language the detainee concerned.

According to senior lawyers who investigate the Israeli authorities failed to translate Military Order 1676 from Hebrew to Arabic, thus denying the rights of the child detained for proper justice. Israel is a party to the Geneva Convention, then be bound by all the obligations therein.

This is not the first time that Israel violated the rules of the Convention as well as universal human rights. When it's their turn Israel reviewed its human rights record at the session of the universal periodic Review (UPR) Geneva in early 2013, Israel deliberately withdrew from the session up to receive sanctions of various countries.

Refuse to check human rights record

Of course Israel is afraid to let its human rights records reviewed, with the rate of killing Palestinian child accidentally done for a long time.
With the latest attacks since July 1, recently, Israel's human rights record is becoming increasingly bad, but unfortunately contumacy Israel continue killing Palestinian civil society has increased due to the weakness of the UN and international NGO hipokrit in addressing crimes of Israel.

Various efforts done to force Israel to stop the violence against the Palestinian civil society, in particular children and women. Malaysia has urged that the UN and the organisation of Islamic cooperation (OIC) for humanitarian intervention, in order to save the life of the public Palestine from continue to be victims of violence this inhuman regime.

At this stage, the country still has the nature of humanity should join to use Article 8 of the Statute of Rome to drag Israel to the International Criminal Court. Action can be taken against Israeli violence include stopping the crime war is being done and forced it to withdraw from Palestinian territory.

Article 8 gives the Court the power to prevent war crimes, in particular the war planned as.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Imam Al Ghazali r.a. telah menggariskan 10 sifat Mahmudah (terpuji) di dalam kitab Arbain Fi Usuluddin:
1. Taubat
yaitu kembali daripada keburukan kepada kebaikan dengan beberapa syarat yang tertentu.
Firman Allah S.W.T. yang berarti :
” Dan mohonlah ampun kepada Allah , sesungguhnya ia Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Pengasih”.
(Surah Al – Muzammil – Ayat 20)
Syarat-syarat taubat:
* Meninggalkan maksiat atau perkara dosa tersebut.
* Menyesal atas maksiat atau dosa yang telah dilakukan.
* Berjanji tidak akan mengulanginya lagi.
* Mengembalikan hak-hak makhluk yang dizalimi.
* Mengerjakan perkara-perkara fardhu yang telah luput.
Beberapa faedah dan hikmah taubat iaitu:
* Menghidupkan jiwa yang resah karena dosa.
* Mendekatkan diri kepada Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala.
* Meningkatkan ketaqwaan diri.
* Membenteras tipu-daya syaitan yang selama ini memerangkap manusia
  dengan berbuat dosa dan maksiat.
* Memperolehi kemuliaan dan anugerah Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala   dalam hidup di dunia
dan akhirat.
2. Khauf (takut)
Khauf bererti takut akan Allah s.w.t., iaitu rasa gementar dan rasa gerun akan kekuatan dan kebesaran Allah s.w.t. serta takutkan kemurkaanNya dengan mengerjakan segala perintahNya dan meninggalkan segala laranganNya
Firman Allah s.w.t. yang berarti : “Dan kepada Akulah ( Allah ) sahaja hendaklah kamu merasa gerun dan takut bukan kepada sesuatu yang lain”.
( Surah Al-Baqarah – Ayat 40 )
3. Zuhud
Dunia adalah sebagai tempat berbuat kebaikan dan amal soleh untuk akhirat yang kekal abadi selama-lamanya.
4. Sabar
* Yaitu menahan diri dari keluh kesah pada sesuatu yang tidak disukai.
* Sifat sabar perlu ketika menghadapi tiga perkara berikut:
1. Menahan diri dari keluh kesah dan menahan diri dari mengadu kepada selain Allah
subhanahu wata‘ala ketika tertimpa musibah atau bencana.
2. Menahan diri dalam mengerjakan semua perintah Allah.
3. Menahan diri dalam meninggalkan semua larangan Allah.
5. Syukur
yaitu mengaku dan memuji Allah atas nikmat yang diberi dan menggunakan segala nikmat itu untuk berbuat taat kepada Allah subhanahu wata‘ala.
6. Ikhlas
Sifat ikhlas ialah memfokuskan niat dalam setiap ibadah atau kerja dilakukan semata-mata karena Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala dan diqasadkan ( niat ) untuk menjunjung perintah semata-mata serta membersihkan hati dari dosa riya’ , ujub atau menginginkan pujian manusia.
7. Tawakkal
yaitu menetapkan hati dan berserah kepada Allah atas segala hal, yakin bahwa Allah adalah yang mengadakan dan memerintahkan tiap-tiap sesuatu. Berserah kepada Allah hendaklah disertai dengan ikhtiar yang sempurna.
8. Mahabbah (kasih sayang)
Cintailah manusia dengan apa yang engkau cintai bagi dirimu sendiri, niscaya engkau menjadi manusia yang paling adil
9. Ridha
Ridha akan segala ketetapan Allah.
10. Dzikrul Maut (mengingat mati)
Senantiasa mengingat bahwa kematian itu pasti mendatangi masing-masing dari kita.
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