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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Concept of 1 Malaysia

The Concept of 1 Malaysia by Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak, The Prime Minister of Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR, March 13 (Bernama) - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the government will champion the concept Wasatiyyah or moderation as an approach that could lead to global peace and not only to build a nation that is united and harmonious.
The Prime Minister said the introduction of the concept in this country to make Malaysia as among the countries eligible for introducing him to the world community.
"When we express this concept and intends Wasatiyyah as part of the moderate Movement Global, the world might see between one Malaysia, two countries that are eligible championing this concept over the world," he said at a question and answer session in Parliament on Tuesday.
He answered questions Datuk Idris Haron (BN-Batu Ladder) who wanted to know how the world sees the concept Wasatiyyah in Malaysia.
Earlier in his original question Datuk Seri Hadi Awang (PAS-Marang), Najib said the government introduced the concept in line with the vision of leadership Wasatiyyah countries want to establish a balance in building unity among different racial, religious and cultural customs.
He said the concept is an approach that is not excessive or extreme in nature but not too loose or too take for granted in any case.
"It does not mean doing something that is less than the teachings of Islam," he said.
He said the concept is an approach that is implemented continuously in government policies available and daily life in line with the concept that seeks to achieve unity and harmony of life towards the success of individuals, families, communities and countries.